
I work with individuals who are committed to deeply understanding themselves and who desire a more meaningful, authentic life. I commonly see clients experiencing relationship issues, identity issues, trouble with transitions, anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, grief, anger, shame, and guilt. I have a strong commitment to diversity and hold several reduced fee slots in my schedule for those who need financial support in order to access therapy. For a more detailed explanation of issues I treat read below:

Loss of Belonging

There is a common thread I see in many of the clients I work with. We are fighting to be good, to be honest, to be successful and yet we feel lost. Maybe you have done everything you thought you needed to do to be happy and you are still suffering. Maybe you feel you have to constantly perform in order to be accepted. Or maybe you wonder… if anyone saw the real you, all of you, would they stick around? We all yearn to belong. We all want to be free to be who we are. Often times the stories we have learned to tell ourselves keep us trapped in ways of being that are restrictive and exhausting. Can you be your truest self and still be loved? Yes. Can you live a life that is unique and uncharted and still be successful? Yes. Can you feel at ease just being you? Absolutely. Our time together is a playground for you to explore your entire self. My goal is that you come to understand that the parts of you deemed the most shameful may actually be the most beautiful.

Professional Transitions

Many of the clients I work with are searching for more when it comes to their profession. They want to do work that is more aligned with their values. They want to be in a professional environment that honors their entire person. They want to feel invigorated by their career. I have assisted many clients in finding the courage to leave their current position and pursue a passion. I have supported others through being laid off or fired. I have spent time dreaming with clients to encourage their entrepreneurial spirit and collaborated with them as they explored what unique gifts they have to offer the world. Often times, a small shift in how you approach your work can lead to a big change. Whether it’s being more assertive, navigating a difficult system, or making a transition, I am here to explore it with you.


Feeling fearful throughout your day can turn a good day into a bad one. When we carry anxiety with us it takes away our ability to enjoy the present moment and to see things clearly. Anxiety can also get in the way of our health, causing us physical pain and emotional pain. I work with clients to understand the role their anxiety is playing in their lives and what feelings it may be occluding. In therapy, we will use several  tools to manage anxiety in the moment while we work on resolving the deeper issues that keep us in a state of fear.  


Feeling motivated to make change when feeling depressed can be especially difficult. Depression can take our energy and leave us feeling unsure of who we are and why we are here. In therapy, we look at the ways depression is impacting your life and find ways to implement small changes so that you can feel more energetic and able to live the life you want. We will also look underneath the surface to help free you from destructive patterns of thinking and behaviors. Most of all, we will hold space for all you are going through and find ways to soften the pain.


We do not exist alone in this world. Often our struggles come from the meaning we've extracted from our past relationships and interactions with others. Throughout our time together we will explore how your past and current relationships have informed who you are today. With this information we can work to improve the quality of your connections so that you can create more meaningful and beneficial relationships.  

Disordered Eating

Our relationship with our body and food is tender. We need food for nourishment and yet eating is also part of our cultural, social, and emotional selves. A difficult or distressing connection with food and our bodies can indicate unmet needs, a deep yearning for soothing, and/or a way to distract ourselves from pain. In therapy we can explore your relationship with food and your body as it parallels to your relationship to yourself and others. We will work together to heal the wound where your disordered eating began. 

Issues of Diversity

Working at the University of Southern California gave me a unique opportunity to engage with clients from all over the world and from very diverse backgrounds. Our culture, race, sexuality, country of origin, ability level, and/or socioeconomic status can deeply impact our view of the world and how we relate to others (and how others relate to us).  Together we can explore the relationship between the many components of your identity and your mental health.


Being angry is not "bad," despite what we have been taught. It is how we manage, communicate, and feel about our anger which may cause problems in our life. Feeling anger gives us useful information about who we are and what we need. In our work together, we will use tools to help you regulate the impulses that anger brings about while exploring what your anger is communicating to you about something deeper.